Doodles[?] to start off my digital art skills again...

Finalized design for my strange ethereal void counselor, Eigen...?

Tried making another similar drawing for Theo, my 2nd main character... woof.

Thought those shirts that were popular a little while ago were neat.

May have remembered 'Sentimental Android' and was inspired to draw this... VOCALOID songs are always good for inspiration...

Wanted to draw them some more.

Thought I would try animation after a while... it took too long, but I was also a little distracted. I'd like to have animated character art for my game, if possible...

Redrew[?] that one image...

When you can't sleep during the day, you wake during the night.

It would be nice to read in the warm light of summer....

Gender ice cream. [Many flavours]

"Depression of the Young Literati"

Listening to a lot of jazz music again, lately... using the reference models I had was a good idea.

"Halloween, halloween, halloween...."

Finished filling out one of those OC charts. I'd like to make proper character profiles or pages for them eventually.